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Sometimes You're in the Right Place!

Purebred Arabian Mare Zee Kit Kat (Hesa Zee+/ x LF Katalina+) photo by Michael Troxler

Zee Kit Kat (Hesa Zee+/ x LF Katalina+) Bred by Eleanor Hamilton, this mare has produced multiple great working western horses, including WGA Ima Copy Katnic+// and WGA Docs Willomena+/

Sometimes great equine photography is about managing a great photo shoot for a client. Finding the best locations on their ranch or farm and managing a timeline so that you fulfill their list of shots! It can be very much like wedding photography because there are lot's of factors you can't control (the personalities of the horses) and they need specific images for their program advertising. Stallion photos and photos of the up and coming young horses that are the best examples of their breeding program. Or shots of a trainer's show string featuring the coming season's competitors and advertising finished horses for sale. Getting all of these types of shots is a challenge requiring not only technical skills with a camera, but time management and people skills, and flexible thinking to be able to manage client expectations with (usually) natural lighting and weather!

But other times a great photo is being ready at the right place and the right time and being in the moment. This photo of Zee Kit Kat, taken in 2009, was taken on a day when all I was after was some scenic photos of the mares out in the pasture. But Kat being Kat, she decided to jazz things up a bit and when she saw me came thundering right at me! The great thing about the shot was that Kat was committed to the line she was taking. Taken with my old Canon 20D with a 75-300 lens and manual settings, it's still one of my all time favorite equine shots!

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